Loving-Kindness Meditation with Akira
By Yes Queen Wellness Advisor, Akira
Loving-kindness meditation by Akira
It is the YES QUEEN goal is to cultivate an attitude of love and kindness towards everything, even a rival or sources of stress.
While breathing deeply, open your minds to receiving loving kindness. Send messages of loving kindness to the world, to specific people, or to loved ones. The key is to repeat the message as many times, until you start to feel an attitude of loving-kindness.
If you feel your rival, anyone or anything that has caused you stress take a moment to forgive them, repeat it a few times until you see the stress dissolve. Use deep breaths to shift the energy. Feel the situation becoming more united and harmonious. Replace anger, frustration, resentment and conflict with forgiveness, see yourself re uniting, restoring and re balancing to a harmonious relationship. Feel your space become lighter and more loving.
Before repeating the below mantra, burn some sage or palo santo, or even the Yes Queen spray -these have all been made with Palo Santo oil to bring healing and protection to your sacred space.
Repeat “I am a kind and loving being. I will continue to blaze trails of love and kindness for future generations.”
There are many types of meditations that you can practice to help eliminate stressful situations:
Body scan: This is a mediation that encourages people to scan their bodies for areas of tension. The goal is to notice tension in the body and to allow it to release.
Mindfulness mediation: This is the practice of becoming totally aware of your surroundings. Mindfulness meditation is something people can do almost anywhere. While waiting in line at the grocery store, for example, just becoming completely present noticing everything around you. Enjoy being completely present.
Breath awareness meditation: Breathe slowly and deeply counting your breath. The goal is to focus on your breathing and ignore all incoming thoughts.
All these techniques when practiced regularly will help you to eliminate bad moods, shift your vibration to a calm, loving frequency and be more relaxed with where you are at in life.
Be kind to yourself and be kind to others.