Inspired by: Stacey Lim, Gemmologist, transformation coach, co-founder of Uluna.

Interview by Elena Strohfelt

Stacey, you are a qualified gemmologist. What led you to Gemmology in particular?
For as long as I can remember I've had a love of stones and all things sparkly, however I entered the workforce after completing a degree in communication design. I was finding it hard to find a role that inspired me and whilst I loved art and being creative at school, it wasn’t lighting me up like I had hoped.

I have always had a love for jewellery and stones after living in Dubai (think gold souks) for a short stint as an 8 year old so I began looking within the jewellery industry. After landing a role as a graphic designer for a local bespoke jewellery brand I was quickly reunited with my childhood passion for crystals and within 6 months returned to study gemmology whilst working full time.

I had never heard of gemmology before, but after googling “learn more about gemstones” I’d found out it was actually a thing! After my first theory class it was like a huge puzzle piece slotted into place and I felt so aligned. I’d found my people and something that really lit me up, gemmology.

If you could pick one crystal, what would it be and why?
You can’t ask me that! Just one? Ok, ok… I'd have to say Quartz. You might think that’s boring, but quartz is anything but. It’s beautiful, durable, abundant, powerful and has a huge variety of colours, inclusions, formations and price points. It’s the people’s crystal! Not every quartz crystal is equal and there are a lot of synthetics on the market. There’s a variety of quartz to support everyone’s needs and desires so it’s a no brainer when wondering which crystal to reach for.
I’ve personally had a few extraordinary experiences with quartz, particularly cathedral quartz from the Himalayas, and have seen my clients have their “ah-ha” moments too.

Aside from the incredible formations, clarity, vast array of inclusions and colours, quartz has one of the highest vibrations and is known as the Master Healer. Colourless in its purest state, clear quartz is the perfect all-rounder and can activate, cleanse and heal all the chakras.

With a strong and steady, intense vibration, quartz directs its spiralling energy along the length of the crystal. The Higher the clarity, the more intense the vibration and therefore the more potent the healing. As well as a steady vibration, some crystals possess a quality called pyroelectricity or piezoelectricity. Quartz is an excellent example of this. When heat and/or pressure is applied a quartz crystal becomes electrically charged. Ever seen a clock with ‘quartz’ written on the face? That’s a crystal at work keeping time.


What are your top 3 wellness rituals?
1. Crystal meditation.
This is a form of meditation where we bring in crystals to assist in making energetic shifts and intuitive connections during your practice. It doesn’t really have any rules and it’s a fantastic way to connect with your own energy whilst leaning on the vibration of the stones.
2. Smoke clearing.
Not just because I'm the sort of person that likes fire… but this ancient ritual is simple and effective. The burning of herbs and sacred plants isn’t a new concept but has been adopted into many cultures in the last few decades. I prefer to work with locally grown and native Australian plants crafted by those who farm ethically and organically. Essentially you are lighting up a bundle of dried leaves, flowers and woods and harnessing the smoldering smoke to clear away stagnant and low vibrational energies. By setting your intention and drawing upon your own inner light you can create a really powerful shift in your mindset as well as the physical clearing of your space.
3. New Moon rituals.
I love the symbolism and accessibility of lunar energy. It’s ever present and a great calendar to anchor your rituals into whether you're a novice or well versed in the world of spirituality. Working with the moon phases can be an incredibly potent experience when you completely dive into a full cycle, however you can pop in and out of these phases as needed and still have a powerful journey .
The new moon is a time for new beginnings and typically a time when our energy is vibrant and optimistic. A simple ritual of writing down your goals and desires and anchoring them into a crystal can be a wonderful ceremony for a fresh start.

I know that turning your passion into your own business can both be exciting but it is also a big risk. How did you know that Uluna was the right business for you to build and how did you overcome hurdles that popped up along the way?
After almost a decade in my role it had transformed from graphic design, to jewellery design, to managing a company that had grown to own 4 retail spaces in Australia and the USA and I was completely fatigued and had lost my creative spark. I knew I wasn't building something that was completely aligned with me and felt I needed the freedom to grow something where I could spread my wings. Uluna was to be a passion project and an outlet for both Mum and I. Her love of aromatherapy and mine of crystals and our shared joy in supporting others to thrive; Uluna just felt perfect.
Whilst it started as a bit of fun I always had a big vision and wanted to create something from the ground up, up being “skies the limit”.

There were and continue to be hurdles along the way, that’s the world of being an entrepreneur and the mindset it takes to ride the waves up and down is still a constant practice. Being in the space of wellness, there’s an abundance of knowledge and support systems out there. I have engaged with some pretty extraordinary mentors and coaches along my journey. It’s hard to nail this business thing and even if there’s financial growth there’s not always the balance, joy and alignment in the background. The most important lesson is to not compare your business to others, as your brand should be unique to you and incomparable. Stay true to your values and do what brings you joy. Your tribe will find you.

Yes Queen’s mission is to end workplace bullying, with a self-care/wellness  prevention approach. How important is self-care to you? How do you practice self-care day to day?
As a mum and business owner self care can sometimes feel like a luxury that i should push to the side when guilt strikes on a ‘slow’ day and my to-do list and notifications continue to grow.. As a do-er and an incredibly driven and hard-working person (burn-out was once a regular occurrence) it’s taken a conscious effort to be slow and integrate self-care.

Self care is incredibly important to me as I have experienced the effects of ignoring my own energetic and emotional needs in my past. As a do-er and an incredibly driven and hard-working person burn-out was once a regular occurrence and it’s taken a conscious effort to be slow and integrate self-care. I have worked on shifting the feelings of guilt into gratitude for taking the time for myself, not when I've hit a breaking point, but as a preventative measure and emotional maintenance.

I take time every single day to check-in, journal and reflect on my thoughts and reactions. I’ve learnt how being introspective regularly can assist in releasing old patterns and balancing my energy. This process brings in crystal meditation and ensures I'm in a space of gratitude and alignment.

Do you have any advice for anyone starting their own business/has their own business?
Ask yourself why. What is your driver for what you do or what you want to do. Finding your ‘why’ is the first step. Once you know your why you can set the foundation of values for your business and ensure you refer back to this when you need to make any decisions. This is the core of your brand.

It’s easy to start with a purpose and vision but somewhere along the way the nitty gritty aspects of running a business can get in the way and you can lose sight of what sparked your heart to begin in the first place. Referring back to your ‘why’ can help bring you back into alignment and reinvigorate your drive.

You speak about how incorporating crystals in your everyday rituals can help you be your best you. What is the greatest lesson you have learned from your experience with crystals?
How to trust myself. This is the greatest lesson I've learnt and also my clients. There’s a lot of guessing and fear when it comes to ‘working with crystals’ and this insecurity is a lack of connection to our intuition. Crystals have shown me how to trust; myself, the universe and the process.

Workplace bullying can have detrimental effects on a person’s mental wellbeing and self worth. Do you have any advice for our Yes Queens who are either currently in a toxic workplace or have left and are trying to move on?
I’ve experienced bullying and harassment first hand and it can be a slow burn that you may not feel is big enough to share or bring to someone else's attention for fear of causing a fuss or seen as being sensitive. My advice for someone currently in a toxic workplace is to open up and speak to someone you can confide in as soon as you feel uncomfortable or that something is off. Right now you may find it easier to shrug it off or feel like you’re ok when you may just be convincing yourself “it’s nothing” and “i can deal with it”.  You shouldn’t have to and it’s not ok. Seek a second opinion to help you navigate how it’s affecting you and find your strength to leave or speak up.

If you’re out the other side, well done on taking a big step for your self care. Be kind to yourself and understand that this may be a process to recovery. Lean on a psychologist, holistic counselor and/or healer to guide you through the emotions that can come up for you. Practice gratitude and lean on self care as you move through the motions.

What is your most important piece of advice for our community?
Self love and connection will be your path to your best self. Ensure you’re spending some time each day being mindful and connecting to your own energy.

What is next for Uluna?
2021 brought us the new Uluna HQ wellness + gallery space we have dreamed of. This year we are leaning into the educational arm of the brand with the launch of Crystal School and more virtual and in-house workshops and experiences. Oh, and did I mention our sister brand Heirloom by Uluna? One of a kind, hand crafted jewels set with unique gems to hold intentions through the generations. 

Stacey is a Gemmologist, crystal expert & educator, transformation coach, co-founder of Uluna and the Vice President of the Gemmological Association of Australia, Vic Division.
By sharing her decades of knowledge in the scientific and spiritual worlds of crystals and rituals, she has found a way to bridge the gap between these worlds to create powerful and transformational processes.

She is deeply passionate about empowering others to intuitively integrate these practices into their lives to shift into alignment with their highest self.

Meet Stacey